Help Center

Last Updated: 04/21/2011

Unique Product Identifiers

Unique product identifiers are product codes or other values associated with an individual product. The primary set of unique product identifiers are Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs), which include UPC, EAN (in Europe), JAN (in Japan), and ISBN. These values are very important for matching users' queries to your products. It is required to provide identifiers for all products except for those under the apparel and custom made goods categories.

Are they a requirement on Craft Is Art?

No. Custom made goods and apparel are exempt (this may change in the future), however, if you sell commercial items and/or books it is important to provide this information accurately, failure to do so will prevent your products from being indexed/submitted to the different Product Feeds we submit your items to (Google, TheFind, Bing, etc).

Finding UPCs and ISBNs

You can look up UPCs or EANs at the Internet UPC Database website, which includes many, though not all product identifiers that have been issued. You can look up ISBNs at You can also check ISBN-13 on Google Product Search.

Sources: Google Merchant Center Help
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