Help Center

Listings: Create

When do listings expire?

Last Updated: 01/09/2013

Currently, listings expire after 3 months, they can be renewed 1 month before they expire. This applies to listings of all sellers including Premium sellers.

What are the listings image requirements?

Last Updated: 02/01/2012

Images for listings must be in the formats: JPEG, PNG or GIF and must be at least 550px wide and 400px height. The maximum size allowed is 5 MB.

My account says I have reached the limit of active listings?

Last Updated: 09/23/2011

Premium Sellers can list an unlimited number of items. As a Basic Seller, when you reach the limit of items you can list in your account you need to add credit to your account to continue listing. Regardless of how many active items you currently have in your account, even if you delete items, ev...

Where do I see how many items I have added?

Last Updated: 08/14/2011

Go to My Information > My Fees see the section "# of Free Listings" you will see "(X added)" where X is the number of items you have added during the life of your account.

Unique Product Identifiers

Last Updated: 04/21/2011

Unique product identifiers are product codes or other values associated with an individual product. The primary set of unique product identifiers are Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs), which include UPC, EAN (in Europe), JAN (in Japan), and ISBN. These values are very important for matching users...

How do I create a listing?

Last Updated: 12/13/2010

You need to be a seller in order to list items, if you are not registered with us or you are but not as a seller, please do so by going to our Sell page. LISTING AN ITEM To list an item, login to your account, and under "My Store" click on "List a New Item!" Step 1. General Informatio...

General Information
Lighting Equipment Rentals Used Lighting Equipment Warehouse Storage Las Vegas Las Vegas Lock & Key Banner Printing Las Vegas